Sunday, February 5, 2012


How drunk will I be 1-10? 6-8
What do I need? 1 Deck of Cards, 1 Canned Beverage (Usually beer)
How many people do I need? At least 2, although this game is best with 5 or more.
Set-up: Arrange players in a circle, place canned beverage in the center. Fan out cards face down around the can.
Pick a player to go first and continue in a clockwise rotation.
Each card represent a different action I will explain below.
After you are finished with your turn, you take the card and place it under the tab of the canned beverage. Who places the final card that "pops" the canned beverage is required to drink it, preferably chug it.

Ace: Waterfall. The person who drew the card starts drinking, as does everyone else, when the card drawer stops drinking the person next to him can stop, or continue, it is their choice. You can not stop drinking until the person before you has stopped. Therefor the last person will have to drink the most.

2: 2 is for You. The person who draws the card selects someone else to drink.

3: 3 is for Me. The person who draws the card has to drink.

4: 4 is for the floor. All players must point to the floor as soon as they see this card, that last one to do so has to drink.

5: 5 is for Guys. All the men have to drink.

6: 6 Is for Chicks. All of the ladies have to drink.

7: 7 is for Heaven. All players must point up as soon as this card is shown, last one to do so has to drink.

8: 8 is for Date. The person who draws this card picks a date. The date has to drink with you every time you drink.

9. Bust a Rhyme. The person who draws the card has to say a phrase. Each player after has to say a phrase that rhymes with the original phrase. The first person who cannot come up with a phrase, repeats a phrase, or says a phrase that does not rhyme has to drink.
Example: "I went to the mall," "It is a nice fall," "I want to play ball."

10. Categories. The person who drew the card chooses a category, then states something from that category. The game goes around in a circle and whoever cannot think of something from the category, repeats something, or says something not in the category first has to drink.
Example: Brands of Cars, "Nissan," "Toyota," and "Audi."

Jack. Everyone Drinks.

Queen. Questions. The person who pulls the card asks the next person in rotation a question, he must reply with another question, and this continues around the circle until someone fails to ask a question. Questions should be related to the previous question.

King. Rules. Whoever draws a King makes a rule that must be followed until the next King is pulled. For example, you have to end every sentence with the word meow, failure to do so results in taking a drink.

You can optionally use a joker and make up a house rule such as whoever pulls the joker has to chug their entire drink.

That is Kings for you, let me know your variations and experiences with this game!

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